All the images in this Section has been grouped as follows:
Netcentric System of Systems Engineering with DEVS Unified Process
 Book cover |
 20x13 |
 18x17 |
 4x13 |
 22x8 |
 19x6 |
 15x4 |
 1x5 |
 5x7 |
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 22x13 |
 15x17 |
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 21x15b |
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 11x3 |
 16x7 |
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 10x18 |
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 14x6 |
 4x8 |
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 13x13 |
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 4x4 |
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 4x23 |
 6x5 |
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 20x16 |
 3x2 |
 21x19a |
 21x23 |
 12x6 |
 10x8 |
 16x8 |
 14x3 |
 21x18 |
 2x4 |
 15x9 |
 10x20 |
 10x5 |
 21x19 |
 8x3 |
 18x1 |
 21x1 |
 6x1 |
 14x7 |
 18x22 |
 9x1 |
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 11x6 |
 1x1 |
 10x19 |
 17x7 |
 17x14 |
 19x3 |
 15x10 |
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 16x3 |
 13x3 |
 18x5 |
 10x11 |
 1x9 |
 17x2 |
 4x9 |
 18x9 |
 3x6 |
 10x1 |
 7x4 |
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 4x1 |
 21x10 |
 21x14 |
 20x3 |
 4x17 |
 4x18 |
 13x7 |
 11x13 |
 4x22 |
 22x4 |
 19x7 |
 18x8 |
 22x7 |
 8x2 |
 17x6 |
 13x8 |
 13x14 |
 14x11 |
 9x5 |
 10x15 |
 19x2 |
 16x4 |
 15x8 |
 4x14 |
 12x1 |
 18x16 |
 1x11 |
 13x4 |
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 6x6 |
 21x20c |
 20x7 |
 11x7 |
 17x1 |
 22x3 |
 14x12 |
 12x5 |
 15x13 |
 21x20d |
 14x2 |
 15x5 |
 21x19b |
 1x3 |
 5x6 |
 21x15a |
 22x1 |
 20x14 |
 11x10 |
 20x11 |
 4x3 |
 5x5 |
 22x11 |
 1x4 |
 13x11 |
 21x22 |
 13x12 |
 14x8 |
 16x10 |
 4x16 |
 14x13 |
 5x1 |
 13x2 |
 3x9 |
 20x10 |
 18x15 |
 14x5 |
 9x7 |
 4x2 |
 3x4 |
 15x20 |
 17x16 |
 16x9 |
 21x8 |
 14x1 |
 20x4 |
 16x11 |
 21x19d |
 18x14 |
 10x14 |
 3x8 |
 21x20e |
 14x4 |
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 20x1 |
 22x5 |
 21x20a |
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 6x4 |
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 3x1 |
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 5x9 |
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 11x9 |
 18x20 |
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 4x6 |
 21x3 |
 16x2 |
 1x8 |
 4x20 |
 15x7 |
 22x6 |
 21x19c |
 10x7 |
 4x21 |
 1x7 |
 3x5 |
 7x3 |
 10x17 |
 9x3 |
 12x3 |
 10x10 |
 18x10 |
 14x9 |
 18x3 |
 20x8 |
 22x2 |
 9x8 |
 15x19 |
 2x5 |
 10x6 |
 5x2 |
 18x18 |
 4x24 |
 22x12 |
 17x12 |
 10x16 |
 18x12 |
 13x6 |
 9x4 |
 13x16 |
 21x20b |
 21x16 |
 15x11 |
 12x7 |
 18x21 |
 17x13 |
 11x1 |
 8x1 |
 2x2 |
 16x1 |
 22x9 |
 18x11 |
 19x5 |
 15x15 |
 21x17 |
 21x12 |
 4x7 |
 8x4 |
 10x2 |
 21x21 |
 11x5 |
 1x10 |
 18x7 |
 15x12 |
 13x15 |
 20x9 |
 19x1 |
 4x12 |
 18x6 |
 10x13 |
 14x10 |
 20x5 |
 11x14 |
 18x19 |
 12x4 |
 11x11 |
 17x8 |
 15x3 |
 6x3 |
 17x4 |
 2x1 |
 21x2 |
 16x5 |
 4x19 |
 11x4 |
 1x2 |
 18x2 |
 19x4 |
 9x10 |
 3x3 |
 22x10 |
 3x7 |
 1x6 |
 5x8 |
 13x9 |
 7x1 |
 4x11 |
 13x5 |
 21x6 |
 11x8 |
 13x1 |
 9x2 |
 4x15 |
 19x8 |
 9x6 |
 17x3 |
 15x6 |
 5x4 |
 15x2 |
 2016 - Integrating theory of modeling and simulation framework with MDE |
 2016 - DEVSML Stack showing DEVS modeling language and various transformations |
 2016 - Diagram of the digital trapezoidal shaper |
 2016 - Performance comparison of xDEVS Coordinators |
 2016 - DEVSML Studio showing auto-generated DEVS Atomic visual and hierarchical representation |
 2016 - (a) Metamodeling layers and (b) DEVSML Studio software architecture. |
 2016 - Auto-generated Coupled model representation with port data-types |
 2016 - Exponential input (left) and trapezoidal output (right) generated by the xDEVS shaper model for one single event |
DEVS HW-SW Co-Design
 2016 - GPT DEVS structure, all implemented in software |
 2016 - Elevator controller with the adder as a HIL component |
 2016 - Elevator controller with all the four integrated circuits placed in the breadboard |
 2016 - Schematic design of the circuit, drawn in a breadboard |
 2016 - GPT DEVS structure with Processor working as a hardware device |